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Epic Device Deployment Recommendations


We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again. Having the greatest Epic system in the world won’t provide value if users are unable to access it properly and printout necessary information.

The following recommendations will help smooth the process of accessing the system with a readily available device, and enable printing of appropriate information to a “nearby” printer. But first, it’s important to note, each Epic module (Orders, Clinical Documentation, etc.) should have at least one team member as primary PC/Printer Integrated Workgroup member (Team Lead) and usually a secondary team member as back up. These individuals are responsible for making sure the Epic module will be able to print appropriate information to the proper printer and assist with making decisions on where PCs, printers, etc., are physically located.

Now that a primary Team Lead is established, the following recommendations should be used to Prepare for an implementation, manage the People involved, and follow best practice Process reminders. Print (!) our guide for Device Deployment success.

Written by:

Eric Weiler
Associate Director