Aligning Testing and Change Management: A Human-Centric Approach

Change is inevitable in any organization. However, managing change can be complex, particularly changes involving new technology. While testing a new technology or process can improve success, it’s important to take a comprehensive approach and align it with change management principles. This perspective emphasizes the human experience and acknowledges that technology serves as a tool to support and facilitate improvement or change.
People are at the heart of any organization – they will interact with the new systems or processes daily. Therefore, change management efforts can only succeed if the human experience is considered during testing. Otherwise, people may resist the change, find workarounds, or use the new systems or processes for purposes other than intended.
The Pitfalls of Siloed Testing
Often, organizations fall into the trap of testing in silos. Siloed testing is a process where different components or aspects of a change are tested in isolation. The focus of the testing may rest solely on the technical aspects, ensuring the new systems or processes work as expected. This approach can be faulty as it overlooks a crucial component of any change management process: the people who will use the technology. Testing scenarios should consider the human experience. How will people interact with the new systems or processes? What will the impact be on their daily work? What training or support might they require?
While siloed testing might seem efficient initially, it can lead to several issues.

Changes that are not tested comprehensively are prone to failure when implemented as they might miss important variables, like how users will behave or accept the changes.
How to Build a Human-Centric Approach to Testing
Comprehensive testing encompasses more than just technical changes. It involves crafting complete end-to-end scenarios that capture the whole process and account for different stakeholder perspectives, providing critical insights from beginning to end.
Below are ways to create comprehensive testing scenarios that focus on the human experience:
Map the user journey, identifying the touchpoints where users interact with the new system or process. Consider the user’s goals, motivations and pain points at each touchpoint
Involve users in the testing process, collecting feedback on the new system or process, identifying potential issues, and making them feel valued and heard. Consider establishing a super user or change network
Develop user guides, organize training sessions, send targeted communications, and maintain a supportive helpdesk. These can help ensure users are clear on roles and expectations and provide a positive experience
Consider the emotional and behavioral impacts of the change. People may feel anxious, frustrated, or resistant to it. Try to anticipate these reactions and develop strategies to address them
Develop testing scenarios that reflect real situations. Consider the diversity of your impacted user base, including different roles, responsibilities, and levels of tech-savviness
Integrating Policy Updates in Testing
Work within an organization is frequently governed by policies. When a new change is implemented, it might necessitate revising current policies or developing new ones. Failure to account for this during testing could result in the change clashing with established policies, causing misunderstandings, and potentially non-compliance.
Prioritizing Human Experience in Testing
An effective change management strategy must involve a holistic approach to testing that accounts for the impact on individuals. Shifts in operations can significantly alter employees’ responsibilities, necessitating new skills or adjustments to their work rhythm. If these human elements are overlooked during the testing phase, it may result in employee burnout, reduced output, diminished morale/confidence, or a lack of engagement.
Organizations can ensure changes are effectively embraced by focusing on the needs and experiences of their people using the new systems or processes. In-depth testing scenarios that recognize employees as critical to the process—beyond merely being technology users —can lead to positive outcomes for all involved.
If your organization needs help implementing change management, Impact Advisors offers expert consultants with extensive experience.